A 40 years old Male presented with the 
chief complaints of : fever since 7 days 
                                      Cough since 5 days
                                      Loose stools for 1 day.
HOPI ::   
              Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 days back the he developed fever which was sudden in onset,
Intermittent in nature,
High grade.
Associated with chills.

It was associated with cough since 5 days.
There was presence of sputum which is serous and non foul smelling, non blood stained. 
Patient felt chest pain due to cough again and again.

Loose stools for 1 day and that happened on the 2nd day of fever.
Associated with abdominal pain which was throbbing in nature.

It was not associated with sneezing of any other cold symptoms. 
No history of vomiting,burning micturition.
No history of bleeding gums or mouth.
No history of breathlessness.
No history of joint pain and retro orbital  pain,muscle pain.
No history of rash.

Past history:: 
 He is a known case of hypertension since 3 years and is on medication. 
He is not a known case of diabetes, epilepsy, tuberculosis, CAD,asthma

Personal history::
diet mixed 
Appetite reduced 
Bowel and bladder movements are normal
No known allergies 
Occasional drinker

Family history::


General examination 
Patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative. Well oriented to time,place and person,sitting comfortably on the bed.
 There is no sign of pallor, icterus, clubbing,clubbing,hypnosis,oedema and lymphadenopathy.
Temperature afebrile 
Respiratory  rate 84bpm
Respiratory rate 18 per minute 
BP 170/110 mm of Hg

Systemic examination 
CVS : S1,S2 +
Respiratory: BAE+
Per abdominal: soft,non tender,bowel sounds heard


Provisional diagnosis: 
Dengue fever with thrombocytopenia 



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