15 years old school student with chest pain.

This is an E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments in comment box are most welcomed 

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency I reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Long case 
Stimita Maity 
H.tno 1701006178

Chief complaints 

A 15 years old male presented  with the complaints of chest pain and heaviness in the left side of the chest since 3 months. 

History of present illness 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months ago,then he developed pain and heaviness in the left side of the chest.

** Pain was insidious in onset, gradually progressive, squeezing type,non radiating, aggravated on exercise and relieved on taking rest.

For chest pain he was given Pantoprazole for 10 days but didn't get subsided.

** Heaviness in the chest increased on lying on the left side.

** h/o evening rise of temperature ( around 4:30)
** h/o easy fatiguability

** No h/o  cough, haemoptysis, breathlessness, wheezing

Past history 

** 4 years ago he developed generalised body and joint pain and was managed in a govt hospital by paracetamol. 

**  2 years  ago he developed pain in the left side of face and was diagnosed with herpes managed medically

**  not a known case of Hypertension, diabetes,epilepsy, TB,Asthma

** no h/o any direct trauma or surgery in the chest 

Birth history 

Normal vaginal delivery at term
Cried soon after birth 
No TORCH infection after birth or in mother during pregnancy 
Colostrum fed
He was breastfed only for 1 month as he developed chronic diarrhoea at the age of 9 days so local doctor said to stop breastfeeding and also was managed by some injection. 
So from the age of 1 month he was fed outside milk,barley.

Personal history 

Takes mixed diet( does not eat vegetables ,consumes less water)
Gets adequate sleep 
Appetite normal
Bladder movement regular 
H/o constipation 
No addiction 
H/o dust allergy 

Family history 

No h/o Tb in family members 
Grand father and grandmother have asthma
Mother has dust allergy 

Treatment history 

Treatment for chronic diarrhoea at 1 month of age
Treatment for generalised body pain 4 yrs ago
Treatment herpes 2 yrs ago


General examination 

Well informed consent was taken. Patient was examined in a well lit room.
Patient was conscious, coherent and cooperative, well oriented to time,place and person. Moderately built and moderately Nourished.
There is no pallor,icterus,clubbing, cyanosis,pedal edema  lympathadenopathy. 

BP 110/70 mm of hg
PR 72bpm
RR 18cpm

Respiratory system examination 

examination of oral cavity : normal 
            Nose normal 
   Shape of chest elliptical 
Expansion of chest  symmetrical 
Trachea: central in position 
Apical impulses :  not visualised
 no drooping shoulder 
No crowding of ribs
No supra or infraclavicular fullness or hollowness
No sinus,scar
No kyphoscoliosis


Inspectory findings are confirmed. 
Trachea : central 
No local rise of temperature 
No tenderness 
Expansion of chest symmetrical 
Tactile vocal fremitus :  felt,decreased on left  side in infraaxillary and infrascapular region 
Apex beat at 5th intercostal space medial to midclavicular line.


Direct on clavicle : resonant
Supraclavicular,infraclavicular,mammary,inframammary,suprascapular,interscapular,axillary : resonant
Infraaxillary and infrascapular : dull note
Shifting dullness  present 


Bilateral air entry present 
 vesicular breath sound  heard
Decreased intensity of breath sound at left infraaxillary and infrascapular area.
No added sound 

Respiratory system examination 

Chest expansion 


Abdominal examination 


•Shape – scaphoid
Flanks – free
Umbilicus –central in position , inverted.
All quadrants of abdomen are moving equally with respiration.
No dilated veins, hernial orifices, sinuses
No visible pulsations.


•No local rise of temperature and tenderness
All inspectory findings are confirmed.
No guarding, rigidity
Deep palpation- no organomegaly.


•There is no fluid thrill , shifting dullness.
Percussion over abdomen- 
tympanic note heard.


 Bowel sounds are heard.

Cardiovascular system examination 


Chest wall - bilaterally symmetrical 
No dilated veins, scars, sinuses


•Apical impulse is felt on the left 5th intercostal space 1cm medial to mid clavicular line.
No parasternal heave, thrills felt


•S1 and S2 heard , no added thrills and murmurs heard.

Central nervous system examination



•Patient is Conscious, well oriented to time, place and person.
All cranial nerves - intact
Motor system: Intact
Superficial reflexes and deep reflexes are present , normal
Gait is normal
No involuntary movements

•Sensory system - 

-All sensations pain, touch,temperature, position, vibration, are well appreciated.


CBP : HB 13.2gm%
Tc 6300
N 52%
L 37%
E 2%
M 9%
B 0
Serology negative 

 Chest x ray

CT scan

Bacterial culture 



Provisional diagnosis 
Left sided hydropneumothorax


O2 inhalation with nasal prongs with 2 ltrs /mint
Nebulization with duolin
Tab dolo 650mg sos 

Advice at discharge::  paracetamol If temp above 99F
Avoid strenuous exercise 


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