56 years male with bilateral loin pain.
Medical elog book 60 year old male with bilateral loin pain January 21, 2022 A 56 year old male came to casuality on 13th January with complaints of : Chief complaints: Pain abdomen bilateral and lower back pain since 20 days Decreased urine output since 15 days HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years ago then he developed burning micturiturition intermittently. 2 month later he developed pain abdomen and bilateral loin pain. Pain was dragging type, no aggravating or relieving factors. He then went to a hospital in khammam and was diagnosed with renal stones and was prescribed medication. He didnot use any medication and continued to have loin pain and burning micturiturition. He developed vomitings and nausea 1year ago immediately after eating and it was foul smelling. He had 3 episodes of blood in urine on the same day 3 months ago and it disappeared from next day 2 months ago he developed urinary incontinence 20 days back he developed abdominal pain...