
Showing posts from December, 2021

Infertility since 16 years

37 yrs female House wife C/c anxiousness to conceive *Menstrual history* *Menarchae at 13 yrs *Regular cycle (very few times get delayed for 2-3 days) *She bleeds for 4-5 days *Amount of bleeding is normal *she uses 2 pads per day *She gets clots *Back pain and lower abdominal pain for 1-2 days *Marital history* *Married since 17 yrs *Active sexual life. *Sexual history* *1st one year coitus during safe period.Then normal active sexual life. *not a/w pain after intercourse *no h/o erectile dysfunction/ejaculatory dysfunction *coitus is timed during ovulation  *Past history* *No DM,HTN,cardiac,renal,CNS disease. *No h/o TB,asthma *She never took OCPs *She is on thyroid medication since 1 year *UTI(?) (1yr and 1-1.5 months back)for that she took antibiotics from local doctor. *She gets white discharge since 3 yrs if she stays in empty stomach in the morning *Allergy history* *Allergic to egg,brinjal *She develops rashes over genital area after eating those foods *Rashes are itchy,pai...